Automation Tools 盤點

這篇文章算是尋找新工作機會的技能盤點,主要是有關於自動測試的東西。如果沒有用上,也算是自己技能上的一個 review,畢竟這些年來對於測試/開發上方面自行開發的一些程式,我覺得還是相當不錯。因為目前的 Target 是一家外商公司,所以就是以英文說明,如果哪天打槍了,announce 出來,也不算白費了我這番心力準備這些內容。



Years in current occupation, things are built to optimize the development and testing process to reduce working time on routine jobs and improve the qualities for both me and colleagues.


Auto Build Server

Auto build server may be common around most of companies which have a standard release procedure. Since I’m working in a Taiwanese grassroots company, these operations are not deployed.


Before my presence, the software release is built by individuals. As you can imagine, some catastrophic events occurred due to personal causes of improper build process.


The auto build server not only guarantees the same build process for release but it also provide quick retention bug testing infrastructure, images of recent versions are kept for testing.

Programming Language used is Linux shell scripts.


QEMU Simulation

My current work is related to make communication radio devices, which priced thousands or millions of TW dollars for each device. As one can expect, there won’t have enough devices for each one to run his job on physical target machine.

Once again, I devote my time to setup a whole system simulation except physical layer. So that each layer, application layer, middleware, and MAC can do their jobs in this simulation environment without a precious target machine.

ARM64 QEMU Simulation

Physical Network Simulator on Windows

Okay, we have the standalone device simulation, but that is far from the real radio communication. A standalone radio can’t run protocol testing and its status is always idle.

Therefore, a network simulation program becomes a must. This QT program can pass packets between each simulator and make it like a real radio network except it has almost zero response time.

Case by case, user can implement radio physical characteristics in per-project simulated physical layer. But in most of cases, it can simulates most practical cases, like link setup and performance testing.

Network Simulator


QT + Python-Based auto test program

This program is designed to test communication between two real machines. If necessary, it can test simulated machine.

The program is a QT based controller to run test scripts written in Python. A testing script sends CLI commands, which QT controller as relay to pass commands, to testing peers. So that , they can run various testing by scripts.


Even more, if you want to run testing between far remotes, an open source called ‘hubcom’ can simulate  telnet as comport. So, you can run testing like locally.

PyTest Script


Uanalyzer – Visualzation Tool

This “Univeral Visualization Analysis Tool” is recent developed to show .csv data in a visualized way by QT as well. It is not best in the class, like matlab. But it provides a quick way to visualize the whole condition overtime for RD to focus on key problem.

Visualizing Tool

Code and API auto generation

Maybe, this is the best work in this job. It saves lots of time, improving quality and generate look-alike APIs.

Code and APIs can be auto-generated from a SNMP MIB file. CLI, middleware API, and external interfaces are generated automatically. If required, it should be no problem to generate more various uniform code. Of courses, it is not perfectly matched customer’s requirement. An override mechanism is also included to replace auto generated functions.

Auto code generation

This auto generation tool is an outcome of different programming language. Java (sorry, no my work), Linux shell script, C, and Python.


There are more works done in current job. It maybe not about automation, but after all, it saves time, mine or colleague’s.

  1. remote LCM:  show LCM screen locally, for physical or simulated target.
  2. Excel VBA testing Scripts: Sometimes, automation combines various programming languages to achieve. This VBA program is designed as a UI for normal people to run testing in a generalized style so that they can generate commands to pass to remote for testing.

VBA Testing

Part Time Job

A moment in current job, I would like to experience more challenge and earn some extra cash. So, I post “接案” information on PTT. Luckily, people contact me and achieve some works

  1. Excel VBA automation: Process local file and generate some fields.
  2. Internet crawler: Uses simple tools such as wget or curl to get data. Advanced, Python selenium package is used to  to get web data containing JavaScript.





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